
It's D Day

So, today's the day I'm off to the Doctors. Really trying not to worry about it, but easier said than done. Ridiculous really.

Had a really lovely meal out last night with a friend who I haven't seen properly since May, so it was nice to catch up and tell her about things at the moment. Having said that, I feel like I did most of the talking and it wasn't all that light-hearted. Must email to apologise...

Anyway, i told her about how I'm feeling frustrated with work and everything else and she's offered to look at my CV and have a think about anywhere she knows of that I could try to apply for something. I'm really excited about the opportunity to try something new, so who knows what will happen!

I'm working from home today (although not very hard so far!) so I might do a bit of sneaky job searching too...

Will probably be back after the docs, too!