
SITS Photo Challenge, Day two

The Challenge:
Edit your photos. Pick your best 3 photos, each showing a unique composition and/or perspective. If you want to apply any correction or creative editing via software or an online tool, go ahead.

Blog Your Photos. Use your photos in a blog post to enhance a story you’re telling. You can post the photos individually or in a collage.

Here's my go at editing a photo...

Original Image

Edited Image (I rounded the corners, sharpened it, and did something with colour (although can't remember what!!))

And then, finally, I made a collage of a few other pictures.

I'm gonna be honest, I'm not using the pictures to tell a story in my blog, but now I know how to do it, I definitely will be adding more photos to my posts!


  1. Thanks Juliana, and thanks for pointing me in the direction of the challenge - I'm loving it!!
