
An Alternative Approach

Mr B and I are officially back on the TTC bandwagon. I'm desperately trying to lose weight, I'm supposed to be temping again (I just can't quite get into the habit of paying attention to that super early alarm clock just yet!) and we are trying to do the deed more often (easier said than done when we're both super tired!).

And, this month for the first time, I've taken some herbal supplements. But I should back track a bit first:

AF ARRIVED LAST MONDAY! It only took her 171 days, but she arrived. I'm not entirely convinced that it was a "proper" period, though - it was super light - although it was here for 4 days, so I'm going with it.

The last time AF came (way back in October) I bought some supplements to take with my next cycle - obviously not realising how long that would be! So when AF rocked up this week, I dusted them off and pinned all my hopes on them.

I'm taking soya isoflavones CD3-7, and EPO until I OV (hopefully next week, but who knows?!). Oh, and I've convinced Mr B that baby dancing every other day is a good idea, too (who knew that MEN needed to be convinced to have more sex?!).

My finger's are crossed and my hopes are high.

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