
Another day...

... another challenge to find something to wear!

Yesterday I spent most of the day with my trousers undone, just so that I could sit at my desk comfortably. It's a nightmare at the moment, and seems to be getting worse, although I'm not eating any worse than I was before the holiday.

I braved the scales this morning, actually, and I've gained about 9lbs since just before the holiday. I'm so mad at myself.

Having said that, I've got really bad water retention and constipation (sorry if TMI!!!), so I think that's more than likely contributing to the bloating and discomfort. I hope. Surely I'm not putting weight on on a daily basis!? If I am, there'll be a problem with things to wear soon!

I'm totally exhausted this week, too. The travelling to and from the (exceptionally emotional) funeral hasn't helped with that. But it means I haven't been to the gym again since Sunday. Food has been... OK, though, predominantly because I pre-cooked a load of stuff at the weekend. The plan is to do the same again this weekend.
I'm going to do low calorie, low GI stuff, with the aim of keeping below 1500 calories a day, with at least some exercise every day. That's the AIM, anyway!

And work is continuing to be something that gets me down. I had a(nother) long catch up with my manager earlier in the week, and told him that I'd be leaving if things didn't change. He laughed it off - I really don't think he appreciates how serious I am about it. Chances are it'll be too late for it to make any difference by the time he does realise...

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